Hydration Help

Drinking my daily recommended amount of water has always been hard for me.

This cat understands

It’s just not a habit for me to drink from a cup or water bottle during the day, especially at work. For one, I have a thing about public restrooms. I rarely, if at all, use the restroom at work. Don’t even get me started on porta potties. And so I think I have subconsciously trained myself not to drink too much during the day.

It’s harder than it looks

I drink most of my water during meals, probably 2 big glasses with dinner and lunch. But I’m definitely not getting my recommended daily dose of H2O (see, I can do science), and I think that may be contributing to the sluggishness I feel while I’m running even short distances, despite having been running consistently for over a month now.

struggle pup

So I’ve decided to make it a priority. There is a lot of variation among experts on how much water we should be drinking. According to different guidelines, I came up with everything from 64 to 118 ounces.  I’m going to set my goal right in the middle at 90 ounces a day, since I’m consistently working out in high temps. I just downloaded an app called Waterlogged to help me keep track of how much I’m drinking, especially at work.


You just tap the water bottle every time you finish a drink. It strikes me that this would also be useful for a night at the bars. It’s kind of like a drinking game, except with water. And no prizes or competition. I mean, it’s no flip cup….

But anyways, here’s to clear pee!

Thanks for supporting me Leo





  1. I have the same problem! I’ve been pretty much forcing myself to down at least 3 bottles of water during my 8 hours at work. I have nothing against water, I just never FEEL thirsty. But I gotta admit, there is this weird sense of pride and satisfaction when my pee is clear. Is that just me?

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