
Running Updates

I’m still figuring out how I’d like to use this blog. I created it with the intent of using it as a motivational tool for my marathon training. So I’d like to post updates on my runs. This may not be the most interesting content out there, but I’ll do my best to keep it exciting. I’d also like to post some of the recipes and meals that I make, so I can stop bothering everyone on instagram with my foodporn. Considering that this blog has zero readers, I don’t think I’m in much danger of disappointing anyone.

Anyways, no day like today to start updating the interwebs on my running progress!

Sam & I are working on getting to the gym in the mornings before work. my goal is to run 2-3 days during the week, then one long run on the weekends. I’m off to a good start this week, with runs on Monday:

And a 4 mile run this morning:


I drive to the gym, run a loop around campus, then shower and get ready at the gym so I can head straight to work at 8am.

I really, really had trouble getting out of bed this morning, mostly because it was flipping cold again, below 30 degrees, when my alarm went off at 5:20am. I won’t get into how terrible this winter was, but lets just say I have post-seasonal-affective-disorder, and I’m still really crabby about cold weather. Surprisingly though, I did end up enjoying my run- the sunset was pretty awesome:

My hope is that these weekday campus runs will get me into the habit of running in the morning before it gets too hot out. Next strategy to try: running to and/or from work.